Saturday, December 11, 2010


Wow...time is so near to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ then a new year to welcome and celebrate. Time is too fast to realize that it is just days to go before the big day is on. I can't believe that I'll be spending another more year of life which is really good to know because, maybe anytime I could spend my life in just a few seconds but I pray that I'll stay until I finished and proved something in this world how I was worth to be gifted with 'LIFE'.

It's good to know that I'll be going home again in my old place, which definitely I missed a lot. I'm so excited to see again my friends, especially my family. What a great feeling. Refreshing air again. Definitely, it helps me a lot.

Christmas time is near. I believe that everyday is Christmas. Why? because love is in the air, even not exactly on December 25. Love is with everybody that shows Happiness even in times of pains and sorrows.

I love the way how I celebrate this very special day. It's because I'm with the persons I love and need the most. I realized that I exactly don't need anything. Clothes and shoes makes me happy for a moment, but the love of those people around can't compare and even countless to what they could make me feel. Feels so brand new.

It's always about LOVE, LOVE, LOVE. And I'm happy I'm always in Love.


Not to forget, it's also about being grateful in all the countless blessings we have received. That's why "THANK YOU" because I'm here in this world, Thank you because I am not alone, Thank you because I'm with you. Thank you so much!]

Merry Christmas to all.

I pray that this holidays, let's give continuous love to each other and extend or hearts to others so that they could feel much more the essence of what really Christmas is all about.

I love you all. Happy Holidays!

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